• 2719 S. Reyes
  • Mesa, AZ 85202
  • Administration: 480-831-8314
  • Recreation Department: 480-831-7464

Communications Strategy

A successful communications strategy for any business, group or even an HOA, such as Dobson Ranch, is a
relationship founded in trust. A trust that information finds you in the most efficient manner and will provide you with the answers to the questions you the homeowners and residents may have. The Communications goal for Dobson Ranch is to gain this trust by providing you with multiple platforms for Dobson Ranch information, such as an updated website, weekly scheduled email updates, effective social media and a monthly community publication so you may find the answers you seek.

My name is Chad Turner and I was hired for the Communications Coordinator on January 2nd, 2024 here at Dobson Ranch Association. I too am a resident of Dobson Ranch and am looking forward to getting to know you in the future, and even some I may already know. I am committed to providing you, within my ability, the best and most efficient way to receive information from the Dobson Ranch Homeowners Association.
I know change is a part of life, and the communications to the residents of Dobson Ranch is no different, however, I am committed in creating stability within the communications between the Association and the homeowners. Your assessment fees collected are in good hands and are used with the utmost trust you have placed on this HOA.

Below are the platforms in which I will be using to communicate to all homeowners the information our Board of Directors, Executive Director and the staff here at the Dobson HOA office wish to share with you.

Website: We are excited to announce a new website is in the works. This online destination will be the informational hub to all your needs as a Dobson Ranch resident. The current website is being updated every day and this is where you can make your assessment payments, find activities and meetings on the calendar, read the financials of the HOA, and much much more. It is our commitment to keep this current website up to date while the new site is being built.

Social Media: Facebook and Instagram are our two main social media accounts which bring a sense of life, joys and benefits of living in the Dobson Ranch Master Planned Community. These social media accounts can also give us a behind the scenes look at the day to day operations, the maintenance and the upgrades within Dobson Ranch.


Magazine: The Ranchers’ RoundUp publication has been a staple of Dobson Ranch and it isn’t going anywhere. However, to be wise in your assessment dollars, we felt it was necessary to produce the magazine digitally. There are some bells and whistles included in the digital format, which we hope you will take advantage of. We hope this upgrade will make the Ranchers’ RoundUp magazine even more enjoyable. Limited printed copies will also be available for pickup in the HOA office. Unfortunately, this January issue is not available for print, as we are coordinating with the printer and advertisers with this new format.

Email Updates: Emails are a common thread in how we communicate with the world today. This is an efficient way to reach thousands of people and provide the latest updates from our Executive Director of Dobson Ranch Association, as well as any news, alerts and general information regarding Dobson Ranch. These emails will be sent out on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Printed Materials: In the near future, it is the plan of the Communications Department to send out a printed flyer allowing you ways to connect to all these digital and portable formats. This resource will also assist you in connecting your tablets, computers and cell phones to Dobson Ranch for any of your residential information you may need.

Office Resources: Please stop by the Dobson Ranch HOA office and say hello! We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and assist with Dobson Ranch documents, compliance letters and help to give feedback on how your Dobson Ranch HOA is doing. We even have paint swatches if you need to see approved color schemes. FYI, these same color swatches and their names are on our website for your convenience.

RecDesk: The RecDesk is an online hidden treasure into the activities within Dobson Ranch. The calendar is full of information for activities for all ages to sign up and participate. This is also the place where advertisers will call home to be listed in the digital and printed Ranchers’ RoundUp, as well as check their accounts and see invoices. This versatile online resource is capable of doing so much more and we hope to utilize this power to provide you with the best experience as a resident in Dobson Ranch.

I am excited to bring to you the multiple platforms in which the Dobson Ranch HOA will share all things Dobson Ranch and the City of Mesa.

