Healing Yoga
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July 1, 2021 @ 8:15 am – 9:15 am
Saratoga Recreation Center
Is it hard to get up off the floor? Is your body having a hard time moving? Join us for gentle, therapeutic body movement. We gently move and stretch different parts of the body to help bring new life to tired parts! Learn how to relax the mind, discovering how to relieve anxiety, bring better sleep, and not letting your worries take control over your mind. If you think your body has had it and can't do anything anymore - think again. Come join us for gentle recovery. You can try it lying on the floor, or even in a chair. Bring a yoga mat. You can attend either yoga class offered with your punch card. Instructor: Samantha Cost: $8 drop-in or $42 resident only for a 7-use punch card