Board of Directors Open Session Agenda – January 16, 2020
Board of Directors Meeting – Roundup Calendar Error
There was an error in the April 2019 Roundup on the Calendar. There is no Board Meeting on May 2nd. Please forgive the typo.
The Dobson Association Management.
The Dobson Association and Mesa Police Department
It has come to the attention of The Dobson Association Board of Directors and our Management Team that someone posted on Nextdoor a rumor that The Dobson Association is calling Mesa PD. It is not the practice of the Dobson Association office staff or any representative of the Association to call the Mesa PD unless there is a genuine safety or security issue. In those cases, we would go directly to our contacts and not through an anonymous hotline.
We maintain an excellent relationship with the Mesa PD and rumors of this type hurt the community. Management has spoken to the Mesa PD leadership and they report no excessive calls recently and none have been from the Management office.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Management or the Board directly.
The Dobson Association Board of Directors and Management Team.
Annual Meeting and Online Voting
The Annual Meeting of the Members of The Dobson Association will be held on April 9, 2019 at La Casita in the Grande Room. Food and beverages will be served starting at 5:30pm. A computer will be set up for online voting until 6:30pm. You must have your voter code that was mailed to you with the official notice at the beginning of March. If you do not have your voter code, please call the office and we can have it emailed to you by
If you have any questions, please call the office at: 480-831-8314.