• 2719 S. Reyes
  • Mesa, AZ 85202
  • Administration: 480-831-8314
  • Recreation Department: 480-831-7464

Yoga for Beginners CANCELLED

April 27, 2020 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Saratoga Recreation Center
2345 S Saratoga
Mesa AZ 85202
$8 drop-in, $42 resident only punch card

Transform your mind, body and spirit! Yoga will improve your flexibility and strengthen your core muscles while banishing stress and tension. This relaxing but invigorating class promotes inner calmness using breathing techniques, balancing postures and stretching/floor work. Modifications available to meet all levels. Bring a yoga mat. Yoga blocks, strap and blanket/towel are very helpful.

You can attend either yoga class offered with your punch card. Punch card expires two months from your purchase date. Punch Cards may be punched one time for residents only per class. No additional punches for guests or residents.