• 2719 S. Reyes
  • Mesa, AZ 85202
  • Administration: 480-831-8314
  • Recreation Department: 480-831-7464

Dobson Ranch Retirees’ Club

General Meeting:
First Monday of the Month: Coffee at 9:30 a.m. (dates are subject to change)
Meeting from 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon (includes lunch)

Our mission is to: Support our Dobson Community, Assist with Dobson Ranch Goals, Meet in the spirit of good fellowship, Offer all members the opportunity to participate in every aspect of the club at social gatherings, trips and group functions, Introduce newcomers to the club.

The Retiree's Club schedules twenty activities each month including, biking, hiking, picnics, outings, travel, dinners, lunches, happy hours, and movies. The current club membership is over 175 members. Dues for membership in the club are collected in January for the year.  The annual dues are $20.00 per person. We always welcome new members. Come as our guest and see what we are about. For membership information contact Jean Brown, President at jeansponderbrown@nullgmail.com


The Dobson Ranch Retirees' Club was organized in 1999 when several retired residents decided to meet and find ways to make new friends, stay active and become involved in Dobson Ranch activities together.  From its inception, the Retirees' Club has fostered the spirit of good fellowship, volunteerism and social activities on Dobson Ranch.  It has been a place to meet new friends and enjoy age-appropriate activities of common interest to the group.  General Meetings of the Retirees' Club are held at La Casita Recreation Center. Each year the membership of the club has grown as Dobson Ranch residents enjoy the camaraderie and functions offered by club members. There is a Board of Directors for the club and the Board meets on the third Monday of each month to plan events for future months, nominate new officers, suggest chairpersons and coordinate the activities of the club.


Dobson Ranch Retirees' Club stays in touch with its members in a number of ways.  The monthly General Meeting brings members together to socialize and also to share information about happenings on the Ranch and within the club, such as the health and welfare of its members. At the General Meeting, an agenda is distributed about coming events and things of interest to members. The Retirees' Club maintains a database of members and email addresses. Members are notified by telephone or email of special events or items of interest. Announcements of coming events and a calendar of functions are available in the Retirees' Club Section of the monthly Ranchers' RoundUp magazine.


Committees include: Day Trippers, Dinner Night Out, Happy Hour, Men's Breakfast, Movie Day, Fun & Game Day, Ladies Lunch, Hiking, Cycling, and Picnics.